Rasullullah (s.a.w) beautiful ..Names

Astaghfirallah… Bismillahi Tawakkaltu al-Allah wala haula wa la quata illa billah.---And It is Only Allah Who grants success. May Allah Exalt the mention of His slave and Messenger Muhammad, and render him, his household and companion safe from Evil.

Friday, July 3, 2009

'Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a traveler'

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Narrated Mujahid:

Abdullah bin 'Umar said, "Allah's Apostle took hold of my shoulder and said, ('Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a traveler')

The sub-narrator added: Ibn 'Umar used to say, "If you survive till the evening, do not expect to be alive in the morning, and if you survive till the morning, do not expect to be alive in the evening, and take from your health for your sickness, and (take) from your life for your death."

Volume 8, Book 76, Number 425, al Bukhary

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